Speedy was honoured "Investor in knowledge" by the annual business awards for responsibility


Speedy was honoured 3rd place in the annual Responsible Business Awards organized by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. The company was awarded in the category "Investor in Knowledge" for the project "Speedy invests in young talent", including sponsorship for Bulgarian girls national mathematics team and awards for Improvement of sports facilities of four schools winners of the National Athletic Games. The award was presented by the president of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum Iravan Hira to Danail Danailov, member of Board of Directors of Speedy JSC.

Thanks to investment in student and youth activities, for the second year Speedy was invited to take part in the traditional "Responsible Business awards" of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. Established in 2003, Responsible Business Awards aim to promote socially responsible business in Bulgaria. These awards are recognition for the efforts of those companies which successfully develop projects in the field of corporate social responsibility, while seeking to encourage other business representatives to develop active social policy.