Project: For Better Working Places
Total cost of the project: BGN 373 492.33
EU Contribution: BGN 298 793.86
With the support of the operational program Human Resources Development 2014 – 2020, co-financed by the European Union’s European Social Fund, Speedy JSC implemented a project granted by the procedure BG05M9OP001-1.008Good and Safe Working Conditions. The objectives and the activities under the project contribute and build on the social commitment of the management of the company to our employees regarding the implementation of innovative strategies of human resources development in the company, providing better and safer working conditions and improving the quality of the workspaces.
The project is aiming to improve the working conditions for the employees at Speedy JSC by assuring better and safer conditions and introducing more efficient, flexible and innovative forms and organization of labor and human resources management, which contributes to the improved quality of the workspaces and directly positively influences the labor productivity in the company. Establishing and implementing innovative organizational systems and practices for human resources management, social benefits for the employees and investing in safe and healthy working environment, Speedy JSC is aiming to provide:
- Better and safer working conditions;
- Better reconciliation of work and private life;
- Better quality of the workspaces;
- Assuring longer length of service in the company for elderly employees, focusing on employees over 54 years old;
- Promoting productivity and sustainability of the workspaces;
- Creating socially oriented working conditions;
The successful implementation of the project objectives and the expected results of its execution is fulfilled by carrying out the following project activities:
- Developing, adapting and introducing an innovative system for human resources management in the company.
- Improving the professional and health status of the workers and employees and providing safe and healthy working conditions by:
- Providing personal protective equipment and special working clothing;
- Providing means of collective protection;
- Organizing and managing the project.
- Providing information and communicating during the implementation of the project.
Results of implementation of the project:
- Introduced new system, practices and instruments for human resources development and organization of labor in Speedy JSC;
- Introduced new processes for safe and healthy working conditions;
- Provided means of personal and collective protection for workers and employees;